How to Bring Blockchain Technology into Action in 2020
As Blockchain gains popularity over the marketplace, many firms
being aware of the reaping benefits of this novel technology is being piloted
towards others uses as never anticipated before. There is no denying the fact
the impact Blockchain will have on the world economy, revolutionizing processes
and operations for many global organizations that have already started adopted
this beneficial technology.
Furthermore, Blockchain will stimulate people to acquire skills
and knowledge of this promising technology. It would expand far beyond what was
thought to be used only for mining currency but disseminates far beyond to
unlimited possibilities. Here is how:
The IoT market will be concentrated more on security as safety
challenges step up. The complexities are due to the diverse nature of IoT
devices, having interconnectivity of devices at a massive scale that makes it
vulnerable against cyber-attacks. The centralized nature of IoT devices has
allowed firms to focus primarily on implementing security measures through
Blockchain technology. Blockchain is open-source allowing users along with the
network full transparency about what transactions are stored and the process
involved that eliminates the need for any third-party intermediaries. One of
the main advantages is data security due to a secure database that can only be
extended but not modifying records leading to improved security.
Blockchain integration with AI
The amalgamation of AI technology with Blockchain will account for
better development. The integration of this novel technology will allow for a
better and sufficient amount of applications in the market. The international
data Corporation has quoted that almost 51% of businesses will see a paradigm
shift towards Blockchain technology, where firms are gaining awareness of the
massive benefits of Blockchain technology. Furthermore, Blockchain can make AI
more understandable, influencing rational decisions made in machine learning. Blockchain
Development Company will make a powerful impact on
decision making by recording all relevant data and variables that constitute to
Blockchain technology.
Demand for Blockchain Professionals
Blockchain technology is relatively new in the picture and there
are only a few experts who are skilled to deal with Blockchain due to the
novelty of this technology. As it is ever-increasing and more demanding to
firms, who are looking out for professionals who are seeking out to pursue this
innovative technology and building their successful career path. Though the
number of experts is increasing to utilize this technology, on the other hand,
the implementation of this technology has been drastically growing that offers
firms a huge competitive advantage to leap forward with their business. Many
universities and other educational intuitions are disseminating knowledge of
Blockchain; still, the gap is wide enough to be filled.
Economical & Financial Blockchain
Unlike other traditional firms, the banking and finance sector has
already seen the processes of adopting Blockchain technology with the
initiation of cryptocurrency. Financial institutions have seriously given a
thought to implement this technology as a part to promote speedy transactions
and optimizing banking operations. Most financial organizations have
anticipated utilizing Blockchain as part of their production system by 2020.
Blockchain technology allows for a more secure platform and conducts faster
transactions at a much lower cost. Moreover, it can be used to introduce new
cryptocurrencies that will monitor and influence monetary policy in new ways.
Consequently, backs want to mitigate competitive advantage to achieve greater
control over their monetary policy.
Social Networking Meets Blockchain
The merger of Blockchain to social media platforms has been proven
increasingly effective due to more control to users. For instance, applied
Blockchain practices can solve problems such as data privacy issues, content relevancy,
flared up scandals and many more. Therefore, the blend in social media
applications is of emergence in 2020. By tight coupling this technology with
social media will ensure all media is published with respect to ownership
rights such as data is not duplicated or untraced even after its removal.
Blockchain makes sure the content publisher gets full rights over his content,
allowing users to feel more secure as they can control what they want to see.
Blockchain as A Services(BAAS)
One of the promising trends for the year 2020 is BaaS depicting
Blockchain as a service. It is a fairly new trend that has been adopted by many
big tech firms. Baas is a cloud-based service that allows users to develop
digital apps or services using Blockchain technology. These digital products
can be smart contracts, decentralized applications without any hassle to setup
Blockchain schematics. Some reputable tech giants such as Microsoft and Amazon
are already utilizing this service to transform the shape of their
Transparent Stable Coins
The cryptocurrency is highly volatile that has led to the
introduction of stable coins having a value associated with each coin. Stable
coins are still in their initial phase but are prevalent in the year 2020 where
they achieve their all-time high popularity. Facebook’s commencement of its
cryptocurrency Libra is one of the examples of using stable coins for the
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